The Undergraduate Certificate in Justice Studies (JUST) offers undergraduate students the opportunity to train in complex and collaborative sociolegal problem solving to address the diverse issues faced by marginalized rural and urban Appalachian communities, as articulated by those communities themselves. The certificate is offered through the newly established Justice Studies interdisciplinary program, home to the Appalachian Justice Research Center’s undergraduate curriculum. Working with interdisciplinary UTK faculty and community members, undergraduate students will train in capstone, intern, and/or community lab courses, alongside law, graduate, and clinical students. Students will select their courses from a menu of curated courses from across campus, in consultation with the program director/advisor. In addition to the core JUST curriculum, students are required to choose courses from 1) a foundational set of sociolegal and justice studies courses and 2) a robust set of transdisciplinary methods and skill sets needed for an emergent and transforming justice workforce. Completion of the certificate requires an online exit survey for program assessment purposes.
Work is underway for the development of graduate certificates by 2025–26.
Certificate Requirements
The JUST Undergraduate Certificate consists of a minimum of 12 hours, completed at the upper division level (300 or above), in interdisciplinary coursework outlined as follows. A maximum of 6 credits can overlap between the JUST certificate and the student’s home discipline, as approved by the program director. Courses for the certificate must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. Depending upon a student’s undergraduate program of study, prerequisite courses may be needed in order to complete the requirements of this certificate.